Friday, August 13, 2010


I would like to credit my friend Steve with the "deck envy" label.  Steve used to come spend evenings with us on the deck for barbeque.  Those were the "good old days" before he went to live elsewhere because of an ex-. He did love the view.  I suspect if he ever came back to visit, he would still love it. 

So, Steve, if you are reading this, time for a visit! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow

Like many gardeners, I weed, worry and water.
Not necessarily in that order.
Despite my best efforts, beauty emerges here on the hill on a daily basis.

Welcome to Deck Envy

Welcome to my deck. 
At least the view from my deck.
And sometimes the point of view from my deck. 
Pull up a chair.
Put your feet up.
Can I get you something to drink? 
Enjoy the view.

And, Oh What A View.